Our Chinese Herbal Medicine Series
Welcome to the first in a new series of posts where we spotlight one chinese herb and provide some of the history of its use. For the first post we will focus on Chrysathemum flowers.
The Chrysanthemum in Chinese Herbal Medicine
How is Chrysanthemum Used
Chrysanthemum flower is also known as Ju Hua in chinese, and it first appeared as a medicinal 2000 years ago in the Divine Farmers Classic of Materia Medica (Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing). Its sweet and bitter nature is able to moisten fluids and clear heat. and it belongs to a category of chinese herbs used to help release heat and wind from the surface of the body, and is frequently used for common colds with heat symptoms. Its sweet and bitter nature is able to moisten fluids and clear heat. Ju Hua is also often used where there are symptoms of red, swollen dry eyes or in cases where there are headaches and dizziness.
Chrysanthemum - A Fascinating History
This was very popular herb amongst daoists and poets and the famous 18th century painter Zhang Ban-Qiao wrote a poem stating:
“Tasting the Chrysanthemum tea of old — this flower of longevity!
A man of eighty years picks and sips, assiduous;
Teaching his frosty beard to turn raven black.”
We may have to take this statement with a big grain of salt, but it does make a tasty summer tea.
Where Do I find Chrysanthemum?
Ju Hua Can be found it most asian groceries in the herbal or tea section. KFL supermarket in Coburg stocks the flowers and many patients at Coburg Chinese Medicine are directed there to buy them.
How do I use Chrysanthemum?
The simplest way of preparing this cooling tea would be to pour 2 litres of water over 15 grams of the flowers and wait till it cools. A few spoons of sugar can be added to sweeten it and even a teabag or 2 of peppermint can be added. Once cooled strain it and store it the fridge for up to three days. Drink it as a refreshing alternative to a fizzy drink.
Our Next Chinese Herb Spotlight
In the next installment we will be discussing Goji Berries.
The article is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered health advice. Readers are advised to contact their Chinese medicine practitioner for advice specific to their circumstances. In the next installment we will be discussing Goji Berries.